We draw on a variety of methods for developing new digital business models and prototypes.
Design thinking
Used to develop innovations that focus on customer benefit, so that corporate strategies and business models can be reinvented or radically changed.
Lean start-up
Pretotypes are tested on the customer with a minimum of effort in order to develop a viable business model and optimize existing innovative ideas through early feedback from potential users.
Development of business models
We use a variety of established techniques and tools such as Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas for agile development and visualization of innovative digital business models. In this context we also develop value propositions. Based on customer insights, we design value propositions that are used to develop pretotypes and, later on, in a more detailed form for product development and marketing. Value propositions bring the customer perspective and the product perspective together.
Minimum viable product/rapid pretotyping/prototyping
Digital business ideas that we have tested on target groups by means of A/B testing or mock-ups (pretotypes) are integrated into a minimum viable product (MVP). We iteratively develop the idea further in conjunction with the customer. An MVP has the first minimal functional properties of a product.
Working out loud
Working out loud (WOL) is a method for informal learning. It is based on transparent, open collaboration in the network and is an important skill to have in a networked working world.