Community Management Day
Evonik Digital welcomes Luis Suarez
Social collaboration expert and #NoEmail Pioneer visits Evonik Digital. Numerous guests, from Evonik internal and from other companies, listened excited to what Luis Suarez had to tell in his keynote.
#NOEMAIL and how collaborative working really operates
While working at IBM Luis Suarez decided to never use Email again, he soon realized what a challenge he would face. Since then he became an expert when it comes to collaborative working, digital transformation and community leadership. Today Suarez is working for the German company “Panagenda” and sees himself as a digital nomad. At Evonik Digital's first Community Management Day, he gave a short keynote about why community management is important and why he prefers the term community leadership.
Watch the whole keynote below.
"LUIS – Do you have a minute?"
We also took the chance to ask Luis some very important questions. Watch the interview to find out about his favourite quote, what it takes to lead a good community and who he thinks will win the wold cup 2018.